IJSR International Journal of Scientific Research 2277 - 8179 Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research ijsr-9-8-26494 Original Research Paper GENDER DIFFERENCES IN AWARENESS ABOUT COVID-19 INFECTION AMONG EDUCATED COMMUNITY MEMBERS J. Kumbhar Dr. Sundaram Kartikeyan Dr. August 2020 9 8 01 02 ABSTRACT

This cross–sectional descriptive online interview–based study was conducted on 374 respondents (179 females: 47.86% and 195 males: 52.14%) to determine the gender differences in awareness about COVID–19 infection during the lockdown in May 2020. A pre–tested and pre–validated questionnaire was administered via Google forms using the chain sampling technique to adult respondents, of either gender. Significant gender differences were observed in awareness of high–risk groups (elderly and co–morbidity) and the duration of isolation. This study revealed adequate levels of awareness among the respondents, though the levels of awareness was lower among the elderly, less educated, and lower income groups. This was probably because this online interview–based study was conducted during the lockdown when information on the disease was widely publicised through mobile phone ring tones, print, electronic and social media. Use of different modes of communication may help create awareness among groups with lower levels of awareness.