IJSR International Journal of Scientific Research 2277 - 8179 Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research ijsr-9-8-26468 Original Research Paper PROFILE OF ANEMIA IN END STAGE KIDNEY DISEASE PATIENTS ON HEMODIALYSIS IN A TERTIARY CARE CENTER. KAILASH CHAREL Dr. DR R.R BARDE Dr. August 2020 9 8 01 02 ABSTRACT

Background–Anemia is an important predictor of morbidity and mortality in patients with end stage kidney disease (ESKD). Anemia in CKD is due to a combination of factors and management depends on the cause of Anemia. We conducted this study to understand the prevalence and various types of anemia in patients on maintenance hemodialysis in a tertiary care center at Bhopal, India. Methodology–This cross–sectional study was conducted on 100 patients on maintenance hemodialysis at our center in Bhopal, India. Detailed data regarding socio demographic variables and anemia workup profile including complete blood count (CBC) and peripheral smear (PS) were obtained from all the study participants. Patients were diagnosed with anemia if hemoglobin values were less than 11gm%. Results–Anemia was observed in 98% of all cases of ESKD, with mean hemoglobin value of 7.98±1.95 (Range 4 to 14); of them, mild, moderate and severe anemia was observed in 16%, 53% and 29% cases respectively. Most common type of anemia was microcytic hypochromic (33%) followed by dimorphic ((31%) and normocytic normochromic (29%). MCV and MCH values were significantly associated with the findings in peripheral smear (p<0.01). Conclusion– Anemia is universal in ESKD patients. Microcytic hypochromic anemia was the most prevalent form of anemia in the present study.