IJSR International Journal of Scientific Research 2277 - 8179 Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research ijsr-9-8-26382 Original Research Paper INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE, FUNDUS CHANGES AND BLOOD PRESSURE CORRELATION IN PREGNANCY INDUCED HYPERTENSION S. H. Shegaonkar Dr. August 2020 9 8 01 02 ABSTRACT

AIM: The aim was to determine the variation in intraocular pressure in pre and post delivery period and its correlation with blood pressure along with prevalence of retinal changes in PIH and association between the retinal changes and age, parity, blood pressure and severity of the disease. Material and methods: All the patients admitted with a diagnosis of PIH were included in this study. Age, gravida, gestation period, blood pressure was noted from the case records. The intraocular pressure was taken in the pre and post delivery period using a Schiotz tonometer under topical anaesthesia. Fundus examination was done with a direct ophthalmoscope. The findings were noted and were analyzed using SPSS program. Result: A total of 225 patients of PIH were examined. A significant positive association of retinal changes and blood pressure(P<0.001), proteinuria(P<0.039) and severity of PIH was found (p=0.001). There was no association of age, parity and gestational age of patient with fundus finding (p>0.05). A decrease in IOP of 6.76% in right eye and 10.66% in left eye is found. Blood Pressure and IOP are negatively correlated in this study in the pre and 
post delivery. This is statistically significant.