IJSR International Journal of Scientific Research 2277 - 8179 Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research ijsr-9-4-24915 Original Research Paper QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF PLATELET CONCENTRATES PREPARED BY DIFFERENT METHODS Pradip Butale Dr. April 2020 9 4 01 02 ABSTRACT

Background: Role of any transfusion services is to provide blood and blood products which are safe, pure, potent and effective. So quality control is the most important parameter to assess the efficacy of blood and its component. The present study was undertaken to assess the ex–vivo quality of platelet concentrates prepared by three different methods and compare the efficacies of all three methods on the basis of various parameters. Method: The study evaluated a total of 200 randomly selected samples of platelet concentrates, of which 150 were Random Donor Platelets (RDPs) and 50 were platelet Apheresis/ Single Donor platelets (SDPs). Out of 150 RDP samples, 100 were prepared by platelet rich plasma–platelet concentrate (PRP–PC) and 50 by buffy coat–platelet concentrate (BC–PC). In–vitro quality of platelet concentrates were assessed by observing volume, platelet yield, WBC and RBC contamination, pH changes, swirling, culture study, and compared amongst three methods. Results: Comparing all three methods, Apheresis had significantly highest platelet yield, PH value and least WBC contamination. Variation in volume was more in PRP–PC. All three methods were comparable in terms of RBC contamination and swirling. PC prepared by all the three methods was negative for any microbiological growth. Conclusion: Apheresis–PC units showed superior platelet yield, improved other quality control parameters and reduced the risk of infection, allo–immunization to the recipients. Hence it should be considered as a best method amongst all the three methods.