IJSR International Journal of Scientific Research 2277 - 8179 Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research ijsr-8-12-23588 Original Research Paper Role of Ayurveda for management of Ankylosing Spondylitis - A case study Manasi Mahesh Kulkarni Dr. December 2019 8 12 01 02 ABSTRACT

Ankylosing Spondylitis(AS) is an autoimmune inflammatory arthritis affecting the spine and large joints with extra skeletal manifestations also. There is no authentic medicine. It has been seen that patients getting better response by Ayurvedic therapy. A case of a young boy of age 20 was suffering from AS. He was treated by vaitaran Basti course with mrudu virechana alng with oral ayurvedic drugs. According to Ayurveda, patient was considered suffering from ‘Aamavata‘, Patient was treated with vaitaran basti. Mrudu virechana was given with shunthi–Erand kwath along with oral ayurvedic medicines. The mode of action of treatment was studied by taking clinical signs & symptoms recorded in a special case paper. The study shows the successful management of A.S. with Ayurvedic management.