IJSR International Journal of Scientific Research 2277 - 8179 Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research ijsr-8-12-23523 Original Research Paper A clinical study of dry eye disease following cataract surgery in a tertiary hospital of Assam Dr. December 2019 8 12 01 02 ABSTRACT

Objective– a) To evaluate the symptoms and signs of dry eye disease following cataract surgery in a tertiary hospital of Assam b) To do clinical tests to confirm the presence of dry eye disease following cataract surgery c) To evaluate about the factors contributing to the severity dry eye disease after cataract surgery 2) Materials & Methods– A hospital based prospective study was conducted taking 200 patients in Assam Medical college and hospital in a duration of one year. The patients were divided into two groups, one undergoing SICS and another undergoing PHACOEMULSIFICATION 3) Results:–In the study population including 200 patients, the most common age group were 56–70 years. There was female preponderance (F:M=52.5%:47.5%). The population was maximum (80%) from rural areas. 45 (22.5%) patients were smokers and 20(10%) patients gave the history of computer use. The symptoms and signs related to dry eye disease were maximum on the 7th post operative period. The highest incidence found in 40–55 years of age group with a female preponderance 53.3%. There was an occupational exposure which contributed to the dry eye disease. There was no significant difference between PHACO and SICS group. Out 45 patients, who were the smoker, 23 (51.1%) patients had the dry eye on 7th post–op day.