IJSR International Journal of Scientific Research 2277 - 8179 Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research ijsr-8-12-23501 Original Research Paper A Study of Continuous Positive Suction Dissection : A Novel Technique of Inter Bowel Adhesiolysis Nehalkumar Sisodiya Dr. December 2019 8 12 01 02 ABSTRACT

The purpose of this study was to access the intra operative easiness, usefulness and the role of suction dissection as a method of adhesiolysis in preventing intra operative bowel perforation. In this technique, we used Yankaeur’s multiple hole suction cannula for adhesiolysis. This method is also useful for creation of precise anatomical planes in adhered tissues. Fifty patients were treated for adhesiolysis by this method. This method demonstrated extreme ease in use, shorter intra operative duration and minimal occurrence of iatrogenic bowel perforation as compared to other methods, also it is simple, inexpensive, precise, less traumatic and without any use of external agent.