IJSR International Journal of Scientific Research 2277 - 8179 Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research ijsr-8-6-19479 Original Research Paper A study to assess Smartphone addiction among undergraduate‘s students of selected Agriculture College at karad. Somade Keshav D. Dr. Mrs. Sangeeta Patil Dr. June 2019 8 6 01 02 ABSTRACT

OBJECTIVES: 1. To assess the level of Smartphone addiction among undergraduate students of selected agriculture college at karad. 2. To assess the association between level of Smartphone addiction with selected demographic variable. Methodology: In this study Non experimental / cross sectional research design used. Sample size 70 consists of all the students those are studying in the 1st year BSC AGRI Culture College at Krishna krushi mahavidyalaya rethare Bk. These are selected by Simple Random sampling technique was used for the selection of the samples. Modified Smartphone addiction scale was used. The Smartphone addiction scale was categories in the three categories mild 0–7, moderate 8–12, severe 13–20. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: In present study demographic variables was used as age, gender, religion, daily time spend on mobile, monthly income of parents. in that I got significant value to daily time spend 1hr on mobile 1 hr use 8 students are mild addicted, 12 students are moderate addicted and there was no any severely addicted student. Also time spend with mobile phone 1–4 hr, 4–10 hr, 10–15hr and more than 15 hrs. There is 23 students are mild addicted 17 are moderate addicted and 10 are severely addicted. According to modified Smartphone addiction scale 31 students was in mild addicted. And 31 students were in moderate addiction and 8 students was severely addicted. Conclusion: Among adolescences under graduate students excessive using mobile and that can leads to addiction. If students are using Smartphone as an educational media then that is going to be help for the students but they should not use a excessive use of mobiles if they are using excess then students are suffering with the psychological disorders so proper counseling has to be done for the students by the counselor regarding proper use of mobiles