Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Zooplankton Community and Trophic Nature of Ponds

Dr. B. Sai Ram Pattnaik

Abstract :

From time immemorial, Ponds are playing a significant role in our life. But, with changing times these ponds are suffering with large number of pollutants and domestic effluents; which are not only contaminating diseases but also causing ecological imbalance due to biomagnification. The distribution, seasonal dynamics and abundance of Zooplanktons in such ponds fluctuate according to the nature of Eutrophy and level of pollution. Study has been made on five different fresh water localities to understand such relation between Eutrophy and Zooplankton community in the present investigation. Some of these planktons are specific to the environment in which they stay and necessarily not found elsewhere. Among the zooplanktons especially the species belonging to Mastigophora, Rotifera, Cladocera, Copepoda, Ostracoda are best indicators of water quality, aquatic pollution and tropic nature of a given environment.

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Dr. B. Sai Ram Pattnaik Zooplankton Community and Trophic Nature of Ponds International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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