Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015

Yoga Practitioners Emotional Regulation and Empathetic Ability

Krishnamurthy. V. S, Sampathkumar

Abstract :

Yoga may reduce individual’s reactivity to emotional experiences and help individuals better modulate their emotions. The current study attempts to understand whether the practice of yoga is associated with enhanced Emotional regulation and empathetic ability. It was hypothesized that the participants with yoga experience would show more skilful emotion regulation and enhanced empathetic ability. Data is obtained from 80 community sample by using semi structured interview schedule, Difficulties in Emotional Regulation Scale and Interpersonal Reactivity Index. The study hypotheses were supported by the study findings, those with yoga experience exhibited increased Emotional regulation and Empathetic ability compared to those had not practiced yoga.

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Krishnamurthy.V.S,Sampathkumar Yoga Practitioners¥ Emotional Regulation and Empathetic Ability International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015

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