Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2016


Dr. Appala Naidu Gullipalli, Prof. Chandraiah Miriyala

Abstract :

The Uruguay Round of multilateral trade Negotiations, after having had a protected discussion and deliberations, came to a conclusion leading to establishment of a new and unique international institution known as the World Trade Organization (WTO), which came to replace the earlier GATT, on January, 1st 1995. India is one of the 139, founding members of the WTO. India is a relatively minor player in global trade and India still a developing economy. Against the back ground, the object of the present paper is to examine the impact of WTO agreements on India’s agriculture and analyze the export experience of India during the ten years since the establishment of WTO and agriculture. However, in the leading to the WTO General Council Decision of August 1st, 2004, the negotiations among the five interested parties, comprising of EU, US, Australia, Brazil and India, resolved the divergent positions on key aspects of each of the three pillars in the agriculture negotiations. The agreement on agriculture, as a part of the WTO agreement, came into force on 1st January 1995 and was to be implemented over six year period ending by 31st December, 2000 for developed countries and 31st December 2004 for developing countries. The G–20 group of developing countries was formed on the eve of the Cancun WTO ministerial in August 2003 that reviewed that Doha round of trade negotiations and was a coalition exclusively, for talks on agriculture. It was formed to counter the EU and US who helped at Cancun to perpetuate the regime of large farm subsidies and discriminating tariffs. Cancun was a failure in terms of taking the Doha round forward but is succeeded in a way to prevent the EU and US from always having their at the WTO. The alliance was successful and played dominant role thereafter in the July 2004 negotiations

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Dr. Appala Naidu Gullipalli, Prof. Chandraiah Miriyala Wto and its Impact on Indian Agricultural Export Products International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 1 January 2016

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