Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Wrong interpretation of Davisson & Germer

Kanay Barik

Abstract :

Actually there is no wave associated with electron. λ= h/mv is not correct. Also there is no relation between Bragg law and de Broglie equation. They become same only when we take θ=65 and Kinetic energy is 54eV but in other cases they differ. Maxima occur at certain place due to reflection of electron not due to diffraction of electron. When we study the transverse waves of wave front in a river or sea or deal with the longitudinal waves of viating air column, we actually analyze the physical phenomenon of viation of molecule concerned. In sound waves it is the pressure. What is it that varies in case of matter waves? According to Arthur Beiser, shobhit Mahajani the wave associated with particles are mathematical constructs. It does not describe the space time variation of any measurable quantity like displacement or any characteristic present in a medium. Rather the waves relates to the probabilities of observing the particles at different space location as a function of time.

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Kanay Barik Wrong interpretation of Davisson & Germer International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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