Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016

Workplace Motivation: An Effective Tool

Shikha Garg

Abstract :

 Motivating your employees is vital to any business. A motivated workforce means a highly productive staff, all of which will help you achieve your business goals. And this should be a main objective in your organisational and business plan. Before you build a motivational strategy, the first step you need to take is to understand what motivates your employees. What drives them to their peak performance will better help you develop programs that both motivate and retain the best employees for your business. Employee incentive programs are one of the easiest ways to incentivise your workforce. While not every program needs to be monetary in nature, should you have limited budgets, the end results are the same; employees become more motivated when they are recognised and rewarded for good work. he importance of employee motivation cannot be down–played. Ultimately when employees are motivated this increases productivity, lowers turnover, and improves overall performance.

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Shikha Garg Workplace Motivation: An Effective Tool International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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