Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Workings of Select Urban Co–Operative Banks in Tamilnadu–With Reference to Profitability Analysis

Dr. J. Paramasivam, R. Venkatasamy

Abstract :

Urban Co–operative Banks (UCBs) were established in India in order to extend the banking services to economically backward people also. Now UCBs are rendering banking services almost in all part of the country. As on 31st March, 2014 there are 1589 UCBs are functioning in India, in Tamilnadu there are 129 UCBs are rendering banking services to the people. An efficient financial management of a bank will reflect in its profit earning. Both efficient management of funds and assets of a bank will lead to earn more profit. Not only the above, other aspects such as spread, burden also will have its impact on profit earning of a bank, hence it is essential to study profitability of a bank. The study found growth in net profit for all selected UCBs over the study period

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Dr.J.Paramasivam, R.Venkatasamy Sworkings of Select Urban Co-Operative Banks in Tamilnadu– With Reference to Profitability Analysis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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