Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Work related stressor: An empirical study with reference to employees working in Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO’s) in Chennai, Tamil Nadu , India

Dr. S. Ramanathan, Dr. D. Sugumar

Abstract :

There have been several studies related to stress. Very few of them have been conduct among knowledge process outsourcing. The present paper provides empirical evidence to ascertain the work related stress among the employees across the knowledge process outsourcing in Chennai,Tamilnadu state. Data was obtained from 250 KPO’s employee. Results indicate that stress does progressively increase or decreased with demographical background of the respondents as might be expected. Out of the 32 aspects of the stress examined with five parameters, it indicates that the middle age employees were registered high level of stress than the age respondents. Finally respondents were registered high level of stress for emotional, psychological, organisatinla, working environmental and behavioural stressors.

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Dr. S. Ramanathan, Dr. D. Sugumar Work related stressor: An empirical study with reference to employees working in Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO’s) in Chennai, Tamil Nadu , India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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