Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Work Life Balance: An Emotional Intelligence Strategy for A Peaceful and Satisfying Atmosphere At Home and Workplace

Dr. U. Syed Aktharsha, Priya V

Abstract :

In this fast running phase of life, people really find it difficult to manage a balance between the pressures of work place and the duties of a home-maker, be it a male or female. Their life hops at either end of a see-saw and often ends up in a juggling life. This contemporary managerial issue has become a challenging factor of not only the young corporates who has just started their family life but also the young and middle-aged parents who needs to provide constant attention to their children who are fast-growing students/young adults. Adapting to a strategy where an emotional intelligence becomes the lead factor would help achieve equiliium of Work-Life Management.This paper strives to find a right balance between work and life pressures and seek solution to lead a balance between these two key factors which lead to a satisfying work career and a peaceful and happy family.

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Dr. U. SYED AKTHARSHA, PRIYA V Work Life Balance: An Emotional Intelligence Strategy for A Peaceful and Satisfying Atmosphere At Home and Workplace International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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