Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Women status in 12th century in north Karnataka; A sociological study

Dr. Chinna Ashappa

Abstract :

Though Hindu laws were unfavourable for women by subjugating their status, the philosophers like Shivasharanas

in Karnataka at the early 12th Century have made revolution to emancipate women. They have expressed their ideas
on different aspects of life through Vachanas. Even Shivasharanas were given equal rights to women by providing them active participation
in Anubhava Mantapa. As such, women were also free to express their opinions on different social problems and life in Anubhava Mantapa.
In this way, Vachanas of Shivasharanas were emphasized equality of women.

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Dr. Chinna Ashappa Women status in 12th century in north Karnataka; A sociological study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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