Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2014

Womanism: Formulated by Society

Sneha Thakur

Abstract :

Womanism is not a born character. It is a character made by society. We, the humans, when take a birth, biologically either as a man or a woman, but our authentic character of being a man or a woman, is shaped and developed by society or our families. The family and the society instruct the child, how to act as a woman or a man. A Female plays so many characters in one lifetime like as a daughter, wife, mother and so on. But all the sacrifices and adjustments she makes, has been taught by the people around, which she has to make because she is a woman. People always expect from women only to transform her whenever required because she is taught that since she is born. If we wish to vanish this gender discrimination, we have to instigate it from our families itself first. Liberty is for everybody. Let’s give women also the rights, to live on her own terms and conditions, which ing a gigantic change in society. At last change is good

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SNEHA THAKUR / Womanism: Formulated by Society / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.3, Issue.6 June 2014

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