Volume : I, Issue : VI, November - 2012

Why Performance Needs to be Planned in Performance Appraisal System

Vidya L. Hulkund

Abstract :

Each every aspect of work is should be planned. Without planning nothing can work. For any event there should be planning how it should go on. Who should be guest .each and every aspect of event to be planned in such way to become successful . In organization all the task should be planned. The most important task for HR to planning perEach every aspect of work is should be planned. Without planning nothing can work. For any event there should be planning how it should go on. Who should be guest .each and every aspect of event to be planned in such way to become successful . In organization all the task should be planned. The most important task for HR to planning pervidual performance can be planned. This article gives the ways from which are performance can be planned. There are many ways but this article explain task analysis or activity analysis, key performance areas, key result areas , task and target identification, activity planning and goal setting exercise. Important from this is individual should be able to plan their work and should have clear of the activity in which the individual have to put more effort.

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Vidya L. Hulkund Why Performance Needs to be Planned in Performance Appraisal System International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI Nov 2012

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