Volume : VIII, Issue : IX, September - 2019


Dular S. K. , Shokeen Jyoti

Abstract :

Immersion in warm water is one of the methods for minimising delivery pain. Water birth is the procedure of giving birth in a tub of warm water. Some women choose to labor in the water and get out for delivery. Other women decide to stay in the water for the delivery as well. The theory behind water birth is that since the baby has already been in the amniotic fluid sac for nine months, birthing in a similar environment is gentler for the baby and less stressful for the mother. Water birth empowers the woman to be in charge of her own labour and decision making. It puts the birthing process back into the woman’s power.

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WATER BIRTH: SAFE OR NOT?, Dular S.K., Shokeen Jyoti INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-9 | September-2019

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