Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Waste water treatment techniques with special reference to Kota city

Dr. K. M. Sharma, Ms. Pooja Nama, Mridul Jain, Rajat Srivastava

Abstract :

 Currently, In India the scenario of sewage water generation is more than 38,254 (approx) million litres per day.  It is estimated that less than 30% of waste water is recollected which is then undergo through the treatment before  disposed into freshwater bodies or the sea so we need to develop sewage treatment plants with low power consumption and extra effective  techniques to handle complex wastes. The subject wastewater treatment is oad as well as laid focus upon the possibilities of using sludge  or wastewater as a fertilizer or in irrigation process. Our water resources are degraded by the sewage discharged from cities and towns and it  cause water pollution. Most of the river basins and ground water beds in India and elsewhere are come to extinct and experiencing severe water shortages. Current and future demand for fresh water could be met by enhancing water use efficiently and properly managed its demand.  In this paper, we discuss about waste water treatment techniques and new technological changes by taking Kota as a model

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Dr. K. M. Sharma, Ms. Pooja Nama, Mridul Jain, Rajat Srivastava Waste water treatment techniques with special reference to Kota city International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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