Volume : I, Issue : II, July - 2012

Waste Management: A New Paradigm of Contemporary Business

Dr. Vipul Chalotra

Abstract :

Today waste management had attracted the attention of every industrialist. Within every company, management needs to be concerned about the ever-evolving waste management environment. In today\'s daily advancement of technology, interpretation of regulations and a hungry waste management industry, companies are missing out on opportunities to save money, streamline their processes, reduce risk and minimize waste, simply by conducting business as usual. Attentions regarding waste management leads to waste reduction, reuse, recycle and better tools to manage the remaining hazardous waste. The present paper gives a glimpse of waste management issues in present era, how to deal with it, benefits of waste management, waste management strategies for businesses, waste management plans etc. The study provides important strategies to overcome waste problems.

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Dr. Vipul Chalotra Waste Management: A New Paradigm of Contemporary Business International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.II July 2012

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