Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Waiting Time Analysis of Outpatient Department at Gmers Medical College Hospital Valsad

Varun Virmani, Dr. Anupam Kumar Bansal, Dr. D P Pandit, Dr. Deepak S Howale

Abstract :

The main objectives of the Out-patient department of a hospital should include the reduction of patients’ waiting time in the system, improvement on the services given, and better resource utilization. This study is carried out for GMERS Medical College Valsad where the outpatient department serves 600 patients daily. The objective of the study is to find the waiting time and find the factors responsible. The sample size of the study is 124 which include patients coming to the outpatient department of the hospital and the staff of the hospital. Out of 124 samples 100 are the patients and 24 are the staff at registration, laboratory, pharmacy and radiology department of the hospital. The analysis is done using Microsoft Excel and found that the patients at the central registration counter, laboratory registration and radiology registration counter has to wait for long. Waiting time at pharmacy is less. Inspite of infrastructural constraints the waiting time can be reduced to the large extent for which suggestions are given in the study

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Varun Virmani, Dr. Anupam Kumar Bansal, Dr. D P Pandit, Dr. Deepak S Howale Waiting Time Analysis of Outpatient Department at Gmers Medical College Hospital Valsad International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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