Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Visual Prognosis in Papillitis

Dr. Anil Dudhabhate, Dr. Sayli B. Kulthe, Dr. Satishkumar Srivastava

Abstract :

Aim: To study the prevalence of papillitis in different age groups and visual outcome following treatment of Injection Methyl Prednisolone. Materials & methods: This study included 50 cases of papillitis, visiting the hospital from 2007-2009.Patients diagnosed with papillitis were included in the study while that of retro bulbar neuritis were excluded. All the patients were given Injection Methyl Prednisolone (1gm) intravenously for 3 consecutive days followed by oral Prednisolone for 11 days with rapid tapering of the drug over one week. Follow up was done every 15 days for a period of two months. Results: In this study 60% cases were females. Majority 34% cases occurred in the age group of 31-40 years.30% patients showed improvement in visual acuity after first dose of injection Methyl Prednisolone while 87.5% cases showed improvement after three doses. Conclusion: Papillitis is more common in females and age group of 31-40 years. Treatment with Injection Methyl Prednisolone can improve vision in cases of Papillitis.

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DR.ANIL DUDHABHATE,DR.SAYLI B. KULTHE,DR. SATISHKUMAR SRIVASTAVA Visual Prognosis in Papillitis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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