Volume : II, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Victimization of Women During Communal Carnage: A Study of Saadat Hasan Mantos The Return and Colder Than Ice

Naz. Zarger, Nafisa Zargar

Abstract :

This paper aims to convey to its readers the distressing and horrible conditions of women during the partition of India which resulted into the hostility between Hindus and Muslims, who started slaughtering, murdering and abandoning each others. How revenge from other community was not only based on killing their men but raping their women provided greater satisfaction. The guardians became sexual predators and mercy, pity were replaced by lust, rapes. Manto’s spine chilling minute details of the carnage with the choice of words which has always been criticized for obscenity and sexual overtones makes the readers not only to feel the pain, utality and inhumane treatment meted out to those women but also to feel ashamed, embarrassed at the extent of human degradation during that time.  

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NAZ. ZARGER, NAFISA ZARGAR / Victimization of Women During Communal Carnage: A Study of Saadat Hasan Manto�s �The Return� and �Colder Than Ice� / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.11 November 2013

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