Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Verbalization in football games and evolution of logical connectives: the case of a ninth basic year class in Tunisia

Chamseddine Guinoubi, Nabila Bennour, Hajer Sahli, Mohamed Jabri, Makram Zghibi

Abstract :

In this paper we opt for the Geneva’s model that aims to detect the evolution of student’s verbal productions. To understand the phenomena of verbalization, conversational parameters must be taken into account. A pragmatic study is always based on the enunciation parameters. Every conversation is contextualized; it is part of a pragmatic framework and complies with enunciation parameters such as the spatio-temporal framework of discourse and the actors. Therefore, verbal interactions can be studied on the basis of logical connectors that can lead the interlocutor to the aimed conclusion. Thus, linguistic markers (personal pronouns, adverbs) can be used to understand the organization and structuring of interactive discourse.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Chamseddine Guinoubi, Nabila Bennour, Hajer Sahli, Mohamed Jabri, Makram Zghibi Verbalization in football games and evolution of logical connectives: the case of a ninth basic year class in Tunisia International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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