Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017

Vanishing Bone Disease of Hand– Case Report and Review of Literature

Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Dr. Amit Kumar, Dr. Ramvilas Nag

Abstract :

                                      Vanishing bone disease (Gorham–Stout syndrome) is an extremely rare disease characterised by gradual   resorption and disappearance of osseous structures caused by micro vascular proliferation. Exact aetiology is unknown so far with few cases of idiopathic osteolysis have been reported. Cases have been reported in almost all age groups but mostly among children and adolescents. Clinical presentation depends upon the site of skeletal involvement. The disease has highly variable prognosis. It can cause minimum disability and death due to possibility of critical structure involvement.


                                       A 22 year old male presented with complaints of weakness in left hand, gradual shortening and hyperextension of middle and index fingers without any history of trivial trauma, fever or pain.


                                   VBD is characterized by spontaneous and progressive disappearance  of bone and is associated with angiomatosis.  Radiography is best tool for diagnosing this disease. Hereditary osteolysis, Sudeck’s atrophy, endocrine or autoimmune diseases, infection and tumors should be excluded.

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Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Dr. AMIT KUMAR, Dr. RAMVILAS Nag, Vanishing Bone Disease of Hand– Case Report and Review of Literature, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 6 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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