Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Vaginal Sildenafil: Role in improving endometrial blood flow in women undergoing IVF with Frozen– Thawed embryo cycles– A study over three cycles

Mishra V. V. , Choudhary S. , Bandwal P. , Aggarwal R. , Agarwal R. , Gandhi K.

Abstract :

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of vaginal sildenafil on endometrial blood flow in infertile women with prior poor endometrial response. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study was carried out in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of IKDRC–ITS, Ahmedabad from January 2014 to December 2014. A total of 55 infertile women with an antecedent poor endometrial vascularity and frozen emyos were included in this study. The women were given oral estradiol valerate tablets (6– 20 mg daily), and tablet ecospirin ( 75 mg daily)from day 2–14 of the cycle to prepare the endometrium . Womenwere advice to take sildenafil capsule intravaginally, 25 mg thrice a day, starting from day 5–13 of the cycle. Assessment of endometrial thickness, pattern and vascularity was done on day 14 of the cycle on voluson E8 using transvaginal probe (5–9 MHz). RESULTS: Twenty seven (49.9%) women showed improvement in vascularity. Emyo transfer was done in 19 women, out of which 9(47.36%) conceived. CONCLUSION: As our study shows, intravaginal use of sildenafil is a good way to improve endometrial vascularity and receptivity. We recommend the routine use of vaginal sildenafil in women with a previous failure of assisted reproductive technology cycles due to poor endometrial response.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Mishra V.V., Choudhary S., Bandwal P., Aggarwal R., Agarwal R., Gandhi K. Vaginal Sildenafil: Role in Improving Endometrial Blood Flow in Women Undergoing IVF With Frozen- Thawed Embryo Cycles- A Study Over Three Cycles International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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