Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Uttarabasti An alternative treatment for tubal block induced infertility.

Swati Surendra Mohite

Abstract :

Background – . Intrauterine instillation of medicated oils, known as uttarabasti, is a well known Ayurvedic pancakarma therapy (~ specialized treatments mentioned in the texts for elimination of anomalous doshaout of the body) indicated for the treatment of several diseases affecting the reproductive system. It is one of the principal therapies for the treatment of vandhyatva or infertility.Aim –The present study was carried out to evaluate the role of uttarabastiin eliminating tubal blockage confirmed by HSG. Tubal blockage was the only reason for infertility in all the patients as confirmed by HSG andall the other reports of investigations like follicular study and semen analysis were found to be normal.Methodology–Uttarabastiof sahachartaila, as per pre–planned treatment protocolwas duly administered in 30 patients confirmed of tubal block by HSG and laproscopy. Out of 30 patients 16 patients had both tubal block at distal & 12 patients had mid segment diagnosed by HSG & 2 patients had proximal block which was confirmed by laproscopy. Results – Out of 30 patients, 21 patients had shown both tubes opened after consequent 3 months of treatment & 7 patients had shown single tube open; only 2 patients with proximal end block had not shown any effect. Out of 19 cases of secondary infertility, 9 patients conceived within next 3 months to 1 year of period and out of 11 cases of primary infertility, 5 cases conceived within 3 to 9 months after treatment. Conclusion:The positive results of the study in 93% patients prove the efficacy of Sahachartailauttarabastiin patients with tubal block induced infertility. The modified procedure of uttarabastiused for this study is also useful to decrease the probable complications which might arise during the therapy

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Swati Surendra Mohite Uttarabasti – An Alternative Treatment For Tubal Block Induced Infertility International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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