Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2016


Ajit Kaur, Dr. Mrs. Urmila Phutela

Abstract :

 Biogas is being produced in the world since Second World War. However, history of biogas in India goes back to 1931, when a biogas plant was set up in IARI, New Delhi. Traditionally, biogas is being produced from cattle dung only. But nowadays, potential of other substrates is being explored. Paddy straw is one of the richest lignocellulosic waste available in India, which can be utilized for biogas production. This study involves a 120 day trial on production of biogas using paddy straw, bio–digested slurry, cattle dung mixed with water. In this five digesters of 2 litre capacity each, were set up using different ratios of these co–substrates with paddy straw. Compå the overall production of biogas, after 120 days maximum gas was produced in paddy straw which was soaked for 24 hrs before incubating it. This gave 38,095 ml of gas followed by 37,505 ml of gas produced by combination of cattle dung and water mixed in 1:1. The study concludes that chopped paddy straw along with bio–digested slurry (BDS) gives better biogas production than powdered paddy straw mixed with BDS i.e. 35,920 ml as compared to 34,665 ml, respectively. Effect of temperature and incubation period was also studied. The biogas production is maximum at 80 day incubation, after which it starts decreasing. Temperature when increases, leads to increased production of biogas.

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Ajit Kaur, Dr. (Mrs.) Urmila Phutela UTILIZATION OF DIFFERENT COSUBSTRATES WITH PADDY STRAW FOR ENHANCEMENT OF BIOGAS PRODUCTION International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 7 | July 2016

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