Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2017

Utility of Renal Resistive Index in detection of renal dysfunction in cirrhosis of liver.

Deepakkumar Gupta, Rajiv Baijal, Nimish Shah

Abstract :

 Aim: To determine the utility of noninvasive assessment of Renal resistive index (RI) in different stages of cirrhosis and its clinical utility in early detection of renal dysfunction in cirrhosis. METHODS: A prospective cohort analysis of patients with cirrhosis having normal serum creatinine was performed. Measurement of baseline characteristics and renal resistive index was recorded and compared as per the stages of liver disease according to child Pugh score. Renal resistive index >0.7 was considered abnormal. Patients were followed up for 12 months for development of renal dysfunction and the utility of renal resistive index was determined. RESULTS: Ninety–eight patients of cirrhosis constituted the study population. Renal resistive index was deranged in 25/98 patients inspite of normal serum creatinine.Renal resistive index was significantly different across the different stages of liver (CTP A, B and C class). On follow–up for 12 months, forty–one(41.8%) patients developed renal dysfunction. Renal Resistive index showed a sensitivity and specificity of 70% and 68.9% respectively in predicting the renal dysfunction. CONCLUSION: Renal Resistive index is an important non invasive marker of renal dysfunction in cirrhosis.

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Deepakkumar Gupta, Rajiv Baijal, Nimish Shah, Utility of Renal Resistive Index in detection of renal dysfunction in cirrhosis of liver., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-3 | MARCH‾2017

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