Volume : I, Issue : VI, November - 2012

User Awareness And Use Of E–Journal Among Pharmaceutical Companies Library in Ahmedabad: A Survey

Patel Devendra, Chauhan Chetan, Patel Hareshkumar

Abstract :

All liaries are undergoing changes in the digital age, but pharmaceutical liaries face additional issues that are unique to the health care system. For example, Research and development is creating enormous amounts of information. And also pharmaceutical liary provide e–journals to users. Electronic journals are one of the products of information and communication technologies. The advancement of e–journal during recent years has given liaries a powerful new resource to support learning and research. This study report the result of a survey conducted at pharmaceuticals liary users in Ahmedabad to determine the extent to which user are aware and make use of e–journals. The study also examines the search pattern of e–journal. This questionnaire is an online, online questionnaire was distributed among the pharmaceuticals liary and also pharmaceuticals person by e–mail with URL.

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Patel Devendra, Chauhan Chetan, Patel Hareshkumar User Awareness And Use Of E-Journal Among Pharmaceutical Companies Library in Ahmedabad: A Survey International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI Nov 2012

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