Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Use And Impact of E–Resources At The Urumudhanalakshmi college, Trichirapalli

Dr. J. Santhi, Dr. S. Jeyachitra

Abstract :

In this digitalized age, the liaries are no longer a traditional store house and the trend to move towards a digital for the quick and easy access of resource. E-Resources is one of the product of ICT.E-resources are the core collection of any academic liary. Use of Internet and E-Resources are increasing among the students. Most of the educational materials are available in electronic mode. The advent of internet had made it simpler and faster to disseminate the information directly to the student’s laptop, tablet and smart phone. This paper attempt to study the use of E-resources by the students of Urumudhanalakshmi College, Trichy.

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Dr.J.Santhi, Dr.S.Jeyachitra Use And Impact of E-Resources At The Urumudhanalakshmi college, Trichirapalli International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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