Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Urinary Bladder Leiomyoma : A Rare Case Report And Brief Review Of Literature

Dr. Mandeep Phukan, Prof. Rajeev T. P. , Dr. Jyoti P. Morang, Dr. Sasanka K. Barua

Abstract :

  Benign mesenchymal tumours of the urinary bladder are rare which arises from the mesenchymal tissues and constituting one to five percent of all bladder neoplasm. A 44 years old female presented with the complain of straining during voiding for two years. There was no history of heamaturia, burning micturition, pain abdomen, fever and weight loss. Her physical examination findings were normal. There was one to two pus cell /hpf(high power field) in urine analysis. On ultrasonography there was 33 x30 mm well defined low echoic nodular urinary bladder lesion. Contrast enhanced CT shows 32 X26 X29 mm well defined homogeneously enhancing polypoidal lesion arising from the base of the urinary bladder. On Cystocsopy approximately 30 x40 mm solitary polypoidal smooth wall mass was seen arising from the right anterior wall of bladder. We performed transurethral resection of the lesion. Post operative period was uneventful . Histopathological examination shows features suggestive of leiomyoma or myofioblastic tumour and positivity with smooth muscle actin on immunohistochemistry.

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DR. MANDEEP PHUKAN, PROF. RAJEEV T. P., DR. JYOTI P. MORANG, DR. SASANKA K. BARUA Urinary Bladder Leiomyoma : A Rare Case Report And Brief Review Of Literature International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 7|July 2016

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