Volume : VIII, Issue : X, October - 2019

Unusual presentation of metastatic male breast cancer

Dr Sunayana Chatterjee, Dr J. K. Banerjee, Dr Pankhil Patel, Dr Chandarvarman Singh

Abstract :

Male east cancer usually presents late, with more than 40% of individuals having stage III or stage IV disease, when metastasis has already occurred [1].Though commonly metastasis occurs in axillary, supra–clavicular or internal mammary groups, yet occasionally metastasis to inguinal lymph nodes have also been reported [2, 3].Breast cancer metastasising to para–aortic lymph nodes and presenting as gastric outlet obstruction has not been reported so far either in male or female east cancer. We report a case of a male patient who presented with features of gastric outlet obstruction and was diagnosed to have invasive ductal carcinoma which metastasised to the para–aortic lymph nodes.

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UNUSUAL PRESENTATION OF METASTATIC MALE BREAST CANCER, Dr Sunayana Chatterjee, Dr J. K. Banerjee, Dr Pankhil Patel, Dr Chandarvarman Singh INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-10 | October-2019

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