Volume : IV, Issue : VII, July - 2015

Unreliable Batch Arrival Retrial Queue with Delayed Repair, Randomised J Vacations and Orbital Search

D. Sumitha, Dr. K. Udayachandrika

Abstract :

 Batch arrival retrial queueing system with vacation and orbital search is considered. Customers arrive in batches according to Poisson process. At the arrival epoch of a batch if the server is idle, then one of the customers enters for service and others join the orbit. Otherwise all the customers join the orbit. The server is subject to active eakdown and delayed repair. Service of the interrupted customer resumes immediately after a repair process. As soon as the system becomes empty the server takes a vacation. If the orbit is empty upon returning from a vacation, the server either remains idle or leaves for another vacation. This pattern continues until the number of vacations reaches J. At the end of Jth vacation, even if the orbit is empty, the server dormants idly in the system for new arrival. If the orbit is nonempty the server searches for customers from the orbit or remains idle. Steady state analysis is performed using supplementary variable technique. Stochastic decomposition law is established. Various performance measures are obtained numerically.

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D.Sumitha, Dr.K.Udayachandrika Unreliable Batch Arrival Retrial Queue With Delayed Repair, Randomised J Vacations and Orbital Search International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 7 July 2015

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