Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


V. Moahanasundaram

Abstract :

Diagonally opposite views on prosocial behaviour have been the content of many a literature on prosocial behaviour in general and altruism in particular. Majority of the social psychologists have long been assumed that the prosocial actions that benefit others are egoistic. After the entry of Empathy–Altruism Hypothesis, this has been challenged and proved by a series of studies that empathic emotion evokes pure altruistic motivation with an ultimate goal of benefiting others and not the self. At the same time, the weight–age given to the economic aspects (income, wealth, and their distribution pattern in a society/country) in the context of emergence of empathy itself has not yet been adequately addressed. Over the years, the relative influence of external factors on the altruistic feeling has been discussed by inging out not any concluding or final statements but providing enough space to understand the human nature. Now it has been increasingly realized that in the materialistic world, now we are in, may be having lesser number of persons with prosocial behaviour than in the past. This throws a real challenge of conceputalising the term ‘prosocial behaviour’ in the changing context which keeps economic well being as the only goal before the nations / humankind.

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V. Moahanasundaram Unrelenting Globalisation and Impending Decline in Prosocial Behaviour: A Conceptual Note International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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