Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2017


Dr. Manish Goyal, Dr. Richashree, Dr. Sonam Rastogi, Dr. Swati Gupta, Dr. Kanishk Mudgil, Dr. Soumitra Agarwal

Abstract :

 The role of orthodontist in an interdisciplinary treatment approach can be primary or secondary. Primary as in a case wherein an orthodontic patient requires adjunctive other specialties treatment. Secondary as in cases where the orthodontic treatment rendered is an adjunct to other treatment planned.

A male patient of age 13years reported to the department of prosthodontics with the chief complaint of missing teeth in relation to 11, 12, 13,22,21,31 and 41.

Patient was referred from the prosthodontic for the intrusion of 35 for the placement of 24. Patient had facial symmetry with competent lips and straight profile. Treatment was started through burstone cantilever. 19 gauge wire was bonded in relation to 33, 34 and 35. Banding was done in relation to 36 and buccal tube was welded. Burstone cantilever was faicated with 17x25 inch titanium molybdenum alloy wire. Treatment duration was 6 months..

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Dr. Manish Goyal, Dr. Richashree, Dr. Sonam Rastogi, Dr. Swati Gupta, Dr. Kanishk Mudgil, Dr. Soumitra Agarwal, UNITY BEATS DIVERSITYAN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-4 | APRIL‾2017

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