Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Understanding the Quality Education: A Policy Perspective

Sandeep Paul

Abstract :

Policy changes may affect the speed of replacement—both slowing and speeding up the rate of turnover. Explicit changes to allow more institutional decision making also have an obvious impact on turnover. Moreover, the ability to improve the quality will depend on the people who can be understanding quality concern. policymakers should focus on improving the overall quality of the education. But the research evidence suggests that many of the policies that have been pursued worldwide have not been very productive. Quality in education is directly linked to individual earning power and productivity are quite pervasive. The strength of improved quality can be readily seen by calculating the economic impact that can be expected from quality improvements.

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Sandeep Paul Understanding the Quality Education: A Policy Perspective International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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