Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2014

Understanding the Challenges of Women Empowerment in Indian Muslim Societies

Dr. Selim Chisti, Kalpita Ray

Abstract :

Women empowerment is the key route for the development of any society in all areas including health, education, asset ownership, skills, political participation etc. Muslim women in India are indeed the potential catalyst for development. Their emancipation may be a crucial step in the balanced development of the community. Women in India face many challenges within their families, communities and religion. This paper discusses the challenges of Indian Muslim women regarding their empowerment through participation in workforce, access to education and involvement in political power.

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Dr. Selim Chisti, Kalpita Ray Understanding the Challenges of Women Empowerment in Indian Muslim Societies International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 12 December 2014

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