Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Ultrasound biomicroscopy in patients with ocular trauma and its influence on management

Dr. Preeti Rawat, Dr. Neetu Kori Shankhwar , Dr. Amaresh Kumar Shukla, Dr. Rajdeep Jain

Abstract :

Introduction:Ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) allows a detailed imaging of the anterior segment up to 5 mm depth and resolution of 50micron by using high–frequency (35 MHz) transducers.This noninvasive technique enables us to visualize cornea, sclera, angle structures, iris, lens, ciliary body, peripheral choroid, and anterior vitreous even in the presence of opaque media and provides detailed two–dimensional grey scale images. UBM can also detect small foreign bodies of various compositions, including those missed by computed tomography (CT) or B–Scan ultrasound (US).

Aim:The aim of this study is to present common UBM findings of eyes with a history of mechanical ocular trauma and to compare these findings according to the type of the trauma.

Material and Methods: Patient attending the outpatient upgraded departmentof ophthalmology and Emergency dept. with history of ocular trauma M.G.M.M.C. & M.Y.H. Indore were included in this study. This observational Study was done in a period of 12 months (March 2015 to Feuary, 2016). A total of 50 patients with ocular trauma were included in this study

Result:UBM is especially superior to other methods in the evaluation of the zonular status, angle recession, PCR, cyclodialysis and the detection of small superficial, and intraocular foreign bodies. So UBM was found to be better tool in diagnosing zonular deficiency ,PAS,PCR, angle recession and small IOFB which was missed by other clinical and radiographic investigations

Conclusion: As a safe and noninvasive technique, UBM can be used in cases with closed–globe injuries, healed perforated corneas and also in cases with open–globe injuries when necessary. Other than being safe and noninvasive, greater accuracy and ease of performance are its advantages over conventional methods. However, being limited with only the anterior segment evaluation is the main disadvantage of UBM in evaluating traumatized eyes.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Preeti Rawat, Dr. Neetu Kori (Shankhwar), Dr. Amaresh Kumar Shukla, Dr. Rajdeep Jain, Ultrasound biomicroscopy in patients with ocular trauma and its influence on management, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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