Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015


Mahesh V. , Chandrasekaran, D. , Jeyaraja, K. , Ravisundar George, Thirunavukkarasu, Sp. ,

Abstract :

 A total of 14,580 cases were presented. Of which, 654 (4.49%) dogs had Intestinal problems. out of which, eight  (1.23%) dogs were presented with the complaint of intestinal obstruction. The different intestinal lesions observed in  8 cases, of which intussusception was seen in 4 (50%) cases, intestinal obstruction in 3 (37.5%) cases and intestinal stricture in one 12.5%)  case. The radiography and ultrasonographic evaluation of the cases in present study suggested that radiography recorded intestinal mechanical obstruction with typical signs of bowel dilatation, abnormal luminal content and pooling of barium suggested intestinal obstruction. The  intestinal lesions like intussusception and foreign bodies were not apparent on radiograph, which were diagnosed by using ultrasonography.  But even then both radiography and ultrasonography were failed in definitive diagnosis of intestinal lesion. Therefore, present study was concluded that ultrasonography was a superior diagnostic imaging modality than radiography in diagnosis of intestinal lesions in dog

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Mahesh V., Chandrasekaran, D., Jeyaraja, K., Ravisundar George, Thirunavukkarasu, SP., ULTRASONOGRAPHIC EVALUATION OF INTESTINAL LESIONS IN DOGS International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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