Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Two–Dimenstional Stress Variations at the Interface in Orthotropic Elastic Half–Spaces

Dinesh Kumar Madan

Abstract :

In this paper, the model of two welded orthotropic elastic half–spaces has been considered. The stresses at the interface has been studied due to different non–uniform slips (parabolic, linear, elliptic and cubic) along a very long vertical strike–slip fault lying in the upper elastic half–space.. The interface between two elastic half–spaces is assumed to be horizontal and parallel to one plane of elastic symmetry of the orthotropic elastic medium. It has been also observed that some stress components are not required to be continuous across the interface between two elastic half–spaces. However, stress ratio of stress components at the interface due to each non–uniform slip profile is square of ratio of the orthotropic elastic constants. Numerically, it is shown that the different slip–profiles has significant effect on the stresses at the interface.

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Dinesh Kumar Madan Two-Dimenstional Stress Variations at the Interface in Orthotropic Elastic Half-Spaces International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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