Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2016
Tubular Adenoma of the Breast : A Rare Presentation and Review of the Literature
Dr. Reeta Dhar, Dr. Shonit Agarwal, Dr. Shilpi Sahu, Dr. Ajay Wani, Dr. Puja Iyengar
Abstract :
Tubular adenomas are rare epithelial tumors of the east accounting for 0.13 – 1.7% of benign east lesions. They mainly occur in young women of reproductive age group and must be differentiated from other benign lesions and from malignant east cancer. We present a case of tubular adenoma in a 20 year old female who presented with a gradually enlarging lump in the left east. Clinical and radiological examination revealed a well circumscribed lump suggestive of fioadenoma. The lump was excised and was histologically diagnosed as tubular adenoma. We conclude that preoperative diagnosis is difficult because tubular adenoma is indistinguishable from a fioadenoma on physical examination and east imaging and surgical excision is necessary to establish a definitive diagnosis
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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DR.REETA DHAR, DR.SHONIT AGARWAL, DR.SHILPI SAHU, DR.AJAY WANI, DR.PUJA IYENGAR Tubular Adenoma of the Breast : A Rare Presentation and Review of the Literature International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 7 | July 2016
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DR.REETA DHAR, DR.SHONIT AGARWAL, DR.SHILPI SAHU, DR.AJAY WANI, DR.PUJA IYENGAR Tubular Adenoma of the Breast : A Rare Presentation and Review of the Literature International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 7 | July 2016
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