Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Tuberculosis of penis mimicking an advanced penile cancer - A case report

T. P. Rajeev, Dr Pranab Kr Kaman, Phukan P. K. D, Barua S. K, Das Roop Rekha

Abstract :

Tuberculosis of penis is a very rare clinical entity. It is usually secondary to infection of other genitourinary tuberculosis but primary infection can occur. There are isolated reports of its presentation as a subcutaneous nodule with or without superficial ulcers and can be interpreted as advanced penile cancer.

A 57years circumcised married man presented with history of painless ulcer in the glans penis for one year. On examination, there was an ulcerated growth of size 3 c.m. x 2 c.m. occupying the entire glans. Wedge biopsy was done but report was inconclusive. Repeat biopsy was done which was suggestive of granulomatous lesion. The patient was subjected to partial penectomy. Histopathology of the lesion was suggestive of tubercular granuloma. Patient was subjected for antitubercular (ATT) therapy. Patient was followed up at 2 months. Till date the patient is on regular follow up and there is no sign of recurrence.

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T.P. Rajeev, Dr Pranab Kr Kaman, Phukan P.K.D, Barua S.K, Das Roop Rekha, Tuberculosis of penis mimicking an advanced penile cancer – A case report, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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