Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2016


Ramavath Ravi

Abstract :

 Scheduled tribe communities lives around 18.08 percent of Adilabad district areas in various ecological and geo–climatic conditions ranging from plains to forest, hills and inaccessible areas. Out of many issues concerning tribals, one of the important issues i.e. marketing activities of tribals. The tribal, lives in subsistence economy, sells their marketable surplus in the weekly markets, locally known as ‘Shanthas’. The present paper study the importance of weekly markets in tribal life and also study the buying and selling practices of tribals in weekly markets. It is concluded that the Adilabad district weekly markets are very big and large number of sellers and buyers will visit the Shanthas. Tribal people buy and sell their commodities in these markets. If Girijan Cooperative Corporation depots will available in weekly markets, they can also buy commodities from GCC depots. In weekly markets sellers are more commercialized it leads to the exploitation of the tribals. They are not only cheating on price, but also in the weights and measures used. In these markets sellers are offering urban made products which are low quality products. These markets are not regulated by government but it will be under control private traders.

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Ramavath Ravi TRIBAL WEEKLY MARKETS: A CASE STUDY OF ADILABAD DISTRICT OF TELANGANA International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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