Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Trial of Labour after caesarean delivery: Proper selection of the case is the key of success

Dr Sanjaykumar Tambe, Dr Savita Kamble, Dr Vaibhav Dangat

Abstract :

 A policy of allowing selected women with a history of caesarean section, to attempt a vaginal delivery is now widely accepted in world as the standard of care. The high success rate and the relative safety of the procedure in that context are well established. Still women with a history of caesarean delivery have a reported caesarean rate between 18–44% and risk of scar rupture between 0.5 to 4.5% when undergoing a subsequent trial of labour. We conducted this study with the purpose to know the factors which may influence the probability of vaginal birth among women with history of cesarean delivery In our study 148 patients underwent trial of labour of which 79 (53.37%) patients delivered by vaginal route, 22 (14.86%) patients underwent instrumental delivery; either forceps or vacuum and 47 (31.75%) patients had a emergency repeat LSCS. So total 101(68.23%) patients had a successful trial of labour.

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Dr Sanjaykumar Tambe, Dr Savita kamble, Dr Vaibhav Dangat Trial of Labour after caesarean delivery: Proper selection of the case is the key of success International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 7 | July 2016

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