Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Trends in NPA Management: Comparative Study of Indian PSU Banks & Private Banks

Gagan Bhati

Abstract :

 Post reform era has changed the whole structure of banking sector of India. The emerging Competition has resulted in new challenges for the Indian banks. Hence, parameters for evaluating the performance of banks have also changed With the slowdown of the Indian economy a number of Companies/Projects are under stress. As a result the Indian Banking System has seen increase in NPAs and restructured accounts during recent years. The public sector banks as a whole are sitting on time bomb of Nonperforming assets that is ticking away fast. All over the problems faced by the banks either flow from it or are vastly aggravated by it. Not only do financially distressed assets produce less than economically possible, they also deteriorate quickly in value. Therefore there is a need to ensure that the banking system recognizes financial distress early, takes prompt steps to solve it. Dilution of government ownership of banks however is a necessary but not sufficient reform to tide over the crisis. This paper an effort has been made to analyze how efficiently Public and Private sector banks can manage NPA.

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Gagan Bhati Trends in NPA Management: Comparative Study of Indian PSU Banks & Private Banks International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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