Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Treatment of Recalcitrant Warts by Contact Immunotherapy Using Diphenylcyclopropenone (Dpcp)

Dr Yuvraj More, Dr Swapna Khatu, Dr Neeta Gokhale, Dr Deepali Chavan

Abstract :

Introduction: Warts are common benign tumors of the skin. Warts, specially periungual, palmoplantar and facial are highly recurrent, and thus present a treatment challenge. We have decided to evaluate DPCP in treating resistant and multiple facial warts, periungual and plamoplantar warts to assess the effectiveness of this alternative treatment modality. Methodology: Total 45 patients with recalcitrant facial warts, palmoplantar and/or periungual warts were included in the study. The DPCP solution of concentration 2% for adults and 1% for pediatric patients was applied on lesion to induce sensitization. In sensitized patients low concentration was applied initially (0.001%) which was gradually increased up to 2% until a mild eczematous reaction was noticed. Results: Out of total 29 patients suffering from facial warts, 20 (68.96 %) cases improved completely. And out of 14 patients suffering from recalcitrant hand and foot warts, 11 (78.57%) patients improved completely. Conclusion: The results of our study indicate that DPCP is an effective, safe, well tolerated and preferred treatment option for periungual warts and can be considered as treatment option for multiple facial warts

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Dr Yuvraj More, Dr Swapna Khatu, Dr Neeta Gokhale, Dr Deepali Chavan Treatment of Recalcitrant Warts by Contact Immunotherapy Using Diphenylcyclopropenone (Dpcp) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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