Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Treatment of Chronic Radiation–Inducedinjury of Lymphocyte With Exogenously Added Superoxide Dismutase Purified From a Sewage Isolated E Coli

Petkar Medha B, Dr. Pillai Meena M, Dr. Podha S. Dr Krss Rao, Mrs Patil Pallavi S, Mrs Thakur Saee H

Abstract :

Accidental exposure toradiation forms free radicals which causes cell death. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme produced for dismutation of superoxide into oxygen and hydrogen peroxide to prevent damage caused by superoxide radical. SOD have been implicated in many disease states including inflammatory diseases, ischemia and reperfusion, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, as well as more subtle roles in cell signaling and perhaps in immune function, SOD is not yet in widespread usage in human clinical medicine. One obstacle has been that none of the three human SODs possesses attractive pharmacological properties to make it a clinically useful therapeutic agent.In this experiment a sewage isolate wasused for production of SOD. Enzyme was purified by mechanical and enzymatic cell disruption then ammonium sulphate precipitation followed by column chromatography method. Then it’s effect was studied on irradiated lymphocytes. For comparison1mg of purereference SOD powder (sigma) was used. The cell monolayer was irradiated in 25–cm2 culture flasks in the exponential growth phase. Culture flask was irradiated with dose of 6 Gy.SOD was added after 30 min in the culture and incubated in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 at 37C in CO2 incubator for 72 hours. To check percentage viability, cell culture was stained by Trypan blue. The percentage viability clearly shows that the irradiations were lethalfor cells (17.48%). The addition of superoxide dismutase to cells after irradiation attenuated the death of cells by irradiation and was effective for increased survival. Viability with our SOD increases up to 77.96% which was significantly nearer to viability by pure reference SOD values 83.53%. So it can be concluded that, the SOD treatmentcan be used for recovery of irradiated cells and it increases cell viability

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Petkar Medha B, Dr. Pillai Meena M, Dr. PODHA S. Dr KRSS Rao, Mrs Patil Pallavi S, Mrs Thakur Saee H Treatment of Chronic Radiation-Inducedinjury of Lymphocyte With Exogenously Added Superoxide Dismutase Purified From a Sewage Isolated E Coli International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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